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Life is complex, living is complicated

The human experience is an eternal fascination

This week almost went by without a letter from me to you, and it would have slipped by just like the one before it. But I got a rush of inspiration as I listened to Adam Fediy’s replay of “Wildest Dreams” while sitting down to enjoy my free Friday snacks in the office kitchen this morning.

Life is complex, living is complicated, and the human experience is an eternal fascination.

Dear Reader, what’s one thing you absolutely love? One thing that almost always transports you, can shift your mood in an instant, and can basically flood you with inspiration? For me, it is music — and more so, solemn (maybe even sad) music.

What came to my mind had nothing to do with the theme of the song. I just became puzzled all over again by how one’s single life can be defined in many contrasting ways, with none of them being entirely false. It’s almost like our lives are infinitely-sided prisms, each observer perceiving only one side at a time. I have been accused of being both a hard man and a hopeless romantic, a friendly guy and a mysterious dude, a beacon of intelligence and a hapless idiot, a diligent bee and a lazy bone, an avid planner and one with a laissez-faire outlook on life.

The interesting part is that none of these is false. I have been all of these things, sometimes being both sides of the coin at the same time, and I will be many more things in the times to come.

Now turn the mirror to yourself, my friend. Take a few seconds to walk me down your thread of experiences. What contrasting things have you been in your life? In what moments have people described you as almost different persons? When have you been the yang to your own yin? The other side to your own coin?

There’s so much to discover about ourselves, and we are so constantly on the journey of self-discovery that to say “this is who I am” would almost always be an inadequate overview of our complex lives. Life is complex, living is complicated, and the human experience is an eternal fascination.

Till the next one my friend,


Today’s Littling

You will be many things in your one life, even more if you perhaps have a long one. Do not worry too much about losing yourself, you are that you are and that you will be.