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  • Can you answer this simple question?

Can you answer this simple question?

The stuff you are made of is the life of the universe; it is the stuff of matter - and antimatter - it is energy. It courses through everything; it is everything.

I remember a phrase I heard some years ago; it went something like 'questions are the seeds for answers.' The suggestion is that if you want answers, you ask questions. But not all questions have answers — I dare say, the most baffling questions of life probably have no answer. We are going to examine one such question today:

Who are you?

This is a simple question (only three words), but it's typically a hard nut to crack. I ask myself this question occasionally, and — as I imagine it is for a lot of other people — I almost never have an answer to it. It's kind of a philosophical question, one that has no definite answer, no wrong answer, and can be answered in a thousand different ways, depending on who asked, where we are at in our journey of self-evolution, the kind of day we had, or even just the state of our stomachs.

Who are you, my friend?

You are everything you say you are, but when you sit with it, you are none of those things. Those things are characteristics, qualities, or defects of 'You', but the real YOU has no definition. You are inexplicable, one-of-a-kind, and pretty much the only you that will ever walk this planet. You are who you are, and who you will be; you are this, and you are that; you are ever-changing, never the same.

Today’s Littling (at the end of this letter) tries to put a definition to the inexplicable essence of ‘You’.

Read and enjoy, till the next one!


Today’s Littling

You are an intricate weave of energy - material and invisible. Your mind, body, and soul; they are highly volatile energy fields, each with its dynamic range, observable limits, and diverse manifestations - all working in harmony to maintain the entity that is 'you.'

There is no simple way to define what you are - a masterpiece, whole in itself, yet a simple (albeit vital) part of an infinite system of energies working together to maintain balance in an ever-changing universe.

You are pure energy - like electricity. There are parts of you that are immaterial, yet extremely powerful. The stuff you are made of is the life of the universe; it is the stuff of matter - and antimatter - it is energy. It courses through everything; it is everything.
